Experiment Assessment
Each experiment will be evaluated
out of 10 marks. A specific summary of the assessment for each
experiment is given at the end of
every experiment. This evaluation will be based on the following
Observations Sheets
An Observations Sheet is required
for each experiment. Observations Sheets are included in this
Laboratory Manual after the Experimental
Procedure in each experiment. The Observations Sheet
has been prepared to simplify the
recording of data and observations. Sometimes questions are
included to guide your thinking.
These are to be answered as you work through the experimental
procedure. The Observations
Sheet has been prepared in duplicate as you will be required to
submit the original copy to your
laboratory instructor at the end of each laboratory
The second copy is to be left in
your Laboratory Manual for future reference.
observations must be recorded directly
on the Observations Sheet in ink. A separate
laboratory notebook is not required.
Sheets of scrap paper must not to be used for recording
observations. If an error
is made, simply cross out the error and record the correction in the
unused space provided on the Observations
Sheet. The Observations
Sheet may be included as
part of the experiment assessment.
NOTE: The observations submitted
must be those made for the current experimental procedure. Please
NOT bring to
the laboratory session any previous Observations Sheets, or results in
any form for
the current experiment (even your
own, if you have taken this course before).
Students are responsible for working
independently and submitting their own work for each
All forms of student dishonesty are considered unacceptable. If
students have
clearly used plagiarism or copied
from other students, a grade of zero will
be given for the
assignment or examination.
For instances of copying of assignments and reports, all
involved will be assigned a mark
of zero. Cheating on final examinations will invariable result in
grade of F
being assigned for the course. Please see the College Calendar for
a description of
students rights and responsibilities.