D. Graphing
In many of your experiment you will use
graphs to analyze and interpret your data. In order to
obtain meaningful result you will need
to use a few basic principles, which are described below.
All graphs must be done of 1 mm grid graph
paper found at the back of the manual.
Provide a title at the top of the page
giving enough information so that it is clear what is being
graphed. The title should state
the dependent variable vs. the independent variable.
Label each axis clearly including the
units and magnitude. The independent variable
(experimentally varied quantity) is plotted
on the x-axis (horizontal axis) and the dependent
variable (measured quantity) is plotted
on the y-axis (vertical axis)
Examine the data to determine the scale
for each axis. Choose a scale such that the
maximum area of the graph paper is covered
and the point are easy to plot ( you may need
to rotate the paper 90
). The scale should also reflect
the precision of the data plotted. For
example, if E
is recorded to 3 decimal places you should
be able to plot it that precicely.
Note that the scale for each axis can
be different and they do not need to start at zero
if it is not convenient
Carefully plot all data points using small
dots in the correct position. The point should be
circled to make them more visible.
(except for pH curves)
Examine the graph. If it appears
to be linear use a ruler to draw a best fit straight line
through as many points a possible making
sure that the points that lie above the line balance
those that are below. If any points
appear to be way off the line neglect them and mark with
a question mark (?). If the graph is a curve draw a smooth line curve through all the points. (more information on graphing)