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Report Form
Report forms are given for every experiment in this laboratory. These Reports identify the conclusions
and calculations that are important for each experiment.  Only the Reports for Experiments B, D,
F, G and I will be submitted for marking.  The Reports for the remaining experiments are included
to guide your preparation for the quiz that will be given to evaluate those experiments (see below).  
For the Reports that are to be marked, answers should be recorded in the space provided.  These
Report forms must be done in ink.  If you make a mistake in your observations, cross out the mistake
with one line and write the correction beside or on top of the crossed out entry. (One mark will be
deducted for reports done in pencil or if corrective fluid or tape is used.)  The Reports are due at the
start of the next laboratory period (one week ).
No marks will be given for reports that are late.  If there are extenuating circumstances, such as
documented illness, please contact your laboratory instructor as soon as possible.
NOTE:  The laboratory reports and quizzes together, constitute the largest percentage of the
laboratory grade.  To successfully pass the laboratory component of the course, it is
essential that the required experiment reports be submitted promptly and that you
are well prepared to write the quizzes for the designated experiments.
The marks for Experiments A, C, E and H will be largely based on quizzes for these
experiments rather than written reports.  Experiment F also has a short quiz (along with a
report).  Quizzes, testing the understanding of the concepts of each of these experiments, will be
given at the beginning of the following laboratory session.  To prepare for these quizzes, review the
Theoretical Consideration, Advance Study Assignment and the laboratory lecture information
available on the Chemistry web site at:
Finally, complete and understand the questions given in the report for the specific experiment.
About 20 minutes will be given for the quiz at the START of the FOLLOWING LABORATORY
PERIOD.  Please be on time; you will not be given extra time if you are late.  If you are overly late,
you may not be able to write the quiz. 
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