Student Products
For some experiments, the products obtained
from the experimental procedure will be marked for
quality and yield. This mark will
be part of the total assessment for these experiments.
Student Performance
One mark of the grade for each experiment
has been assigned to evaluate student performance in the
laboratory. The following criteria
identify some aspects that will be used for this assessment.
How well prepared is the student to do
the experiment?
Is the student able to work independently?
Is the students work space and equipment,
as well as the common laboratory space, chemicals
and instruments, left clean and in good
How diligently does the student work to
complete the experiment on time?
NOTE: Students must
be prompt in leaving the laboratory at the end of their laboratory session.
To encourage this, one mark will be deducted
from the experiment grade for every
five minutes a student stays in the laboratory
beyond the allotted three hour period.
Laboratory examinations
A laboratory examination will be given
at the end of each laboratory term. The date and location of
the examination will be announced during
the term.
Students will be required to show their
photo ID in order to write the
The examinations will be composed of a
combination of multiple choice and short answer questions.
The laboratory examination constitutes
9% of the course mark for
Chemistry 101. After all examinations
have been marked, your laboratory instructor will have a
complete record of all marks assigned
to you for that term. These marks will be posted at a
designated location. Please check
these marks promptly, and immediately report
any discrepancies
to your laboratory instructor.