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Samples of three pure halogens are displayed in the laboratory.  Record the color and physical state of each
Part III:  Structure and Extent of Ionization
Samples of the following acids have been set up with pH meters in the laboratory for your use.  Measure and
record on your Observations Sheet, the pH of these solutions.
The pH meters have been standardized therefore, you merely need to record the pH of each of
these solutions.
0.50 M CH3COOH  (acetic acid)
0.50 M H2ClCCOOH  (chloroacetic acid)
0.50 M HCl2CCOOH  (dichloroacetic acid)
0.50 M Cl3CCOOH  (trichloroacetic acid)
Before leaving the laboratory, check to make sure that all of your equipment is clean, and in your drawer.  As
well, all communal equipment must be clean and returned to the designated location in the laboratory.
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